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The holistic sector is one that speaks to my heart. I am a champion for alternative medicine and therapies. From Yoga to acupuncture to Herbal and Holistic Medicine I love to dive deep into these methods and help put across the benefits involved. Logos, identity, leaflets, social media and small websites. 



Ali came to me as she needed to promote her new book which concentrates on women's wellness ~ this was an extension of her existing yoga school practice. She developed a system that would help women cope with the effects of menopause and wrote and self published her book - HTR Hormone Tension Relief.

She needed a striking cover and logo to appeal to the target audience.
Between us we delivered! Her book is now available to buy on AMAZON in paperback and kindle and she now also delivers a podcast [The Brain and Body Podcast with Allegra Foxlie] on SPOTIFY.



I was referred to Jenny when she was just finishing her studies at the School of Acupuncture. She introduced me to a totally new modality of healing which I totally resonated with. When she was ready to graduate and launch her own business our partnership and friendship deepened and we worked together to give her a whole fresh identity for the new business launch in Newmarket. I have to say I totally recommend her if you are looking for an acupuncturist. It did wonders for me.



A chance meeting in a pool (!) led to a special and unexpected development! Sophie was looking to expand her online presence. She needed a new identity that suited her vibrant style of teaching. After introducing me to her classes we worked at rebuilding her existing website and refreshing the way she presented herself across social media as well as locally.




A personal project of mine. As well as being a designer I also happen to be a trained astrologer! The stars create an opportunity for exploring some adventurous design work with a yearly moon map calendar as well as gardening moon calendar and a range of products based around the astrological year. All managed online through social media and and Etsy!


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